Sisters of the Savior
Who Are We?

A discipleship ministry for women of Woodward Baptist Church with a primary goal to provide a nurturing environment for women to grow in their faith, and the mentoring strategy outlined in Titus 2 provides the method for the Proverbs 31 Woman to activate these principles outlined in Scripture. The book of Titus emphasizes the role of aged women in the church to encourage, support, and train younger women. Our Mission is to empower and support our fellow sisters in Christ through engaging biblical study, meaningful service opportunities, invaluable support networks, and enjoyable social gatherings. Through these activities, we aim to refine ourselves for God’s divine purpose. Our Vision is to cultivate intentional relationships among sisters in Christ, creating spaces for connection, support, encouragement, and discipleship.

Titus 2:3

Schedule of Events
For a calendar of events click here
Women’s Ministry Leader
Kara Laker
Committee Members
Becky Bogardus
Kristi Carpenter
Kim Hooker
Krystin Paris
Maria Rabideau
Yvonne Smith